How do you greet the day?
With optimism or something less?
As a child, I remember one of my first thoughts always was 'what do I have to look forward to today?' Not a child, but I still have a similar notion.
You see, not long after my feet hit the floor I land on this thought:
This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it!1
Why rejoice? Because a relationship with God colors every single day with hope.
You see, no matter what is taking place in the world or in my individual life, “who God is” does not change -- my God is all powerful, all knowing, always present and loves unconditionally. What's more: God is faithful.’ Scripture says 'If we are unfaithful, he [God] remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.'2 Wow.
'Ever wonder why David talked so much about faithfulness in the Psalms? Maybe because he was not always faithful, but he was mindful and grateful that the God he loved was faithful regardless. Because the God he loved, loved him more, David said with joy, “I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.”3
How have I experienced God’s faithfulness? So many ways. On a daily basis, I am most grateful for these things—his presence, peace, love, grace and forgiveness.
Here's what I mean:
Presence Because the Holy Spirit lives in me, I am never alone; I know and feel God’s nearness. His promise: “Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.”4
Peace In times of greatest pain and worry, God supplies his supernatural peace. In John 16.33, Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”5 Two promises: his peace and his presence in our trouble.
And because I have known his peace, I have been able to honestly and forthrightly share it with others when they so desperately need inner peace and hope.
Love God’s clearest emotional language must surely be love. I mean, how else could you explain his continuing to love wholly unlovable people? The apostle John said that ‘everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God, because God is love. 6
Grace, Forgiveness What sets Christianity apart from every other religion is the grace of God. God did not leave us in our sin, but made a way for us to come to him through our faith in Jesus Christ.7 And because he is so good, if we confess our sins, he washes us clean and remembers our sins no more.8 No reason to live in shame - God's grace and forgiveness can be ours.
Yes, He is a faithful and loving God and the reason we have hope!
Jesus is the Hope of Christmas! Listen:
1 – Psalm 118.24
2 – 2 Timothy 2.13
3 - Psalm 89.1
4 – Hebrews 13.5
5 - John 16.33
6 - 1 John 4.7-8
7 - Ephesians 2.8
8 - 1 John 1.9