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One Provocative Question...are you sure of your answer?

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

Life is strange. This briefing comes on the heels of a sudden cross country trip to tell my brother 'good bye for now'. Robert has been in declining health for some time, but this week, he took a bad turn--kidney failure. Following a call from the palliative care doctor late Wednesday, I jumped on an early morning flight to California before life supporting measures were removed -- multiple organ failure with no hope of recovery.

The only good news is that Robert could most definitely answer this very important question affirmatively--if only he was able:

--->When you take your last breath on earth,

where will you take your next one?

Let's talk about that, shall we? Most recently, I invited you to join me in the garden, daily.

Today, I invite you to consider Jerusalem - at night, in an Upper Room, where we will envision the setting, and most importantly, take to heart, Jesus' words . . .

Next up invitation to -> Greece - to one incredibly beautiful place.

And then to -> Los Angeles International Airport.  wait, what?

One courageous man describes for us things we do well to think long about.  The man:  the apostle John. He will be our way-pointer on this little trip as he puts skin on Jesus, Son of God.  

Now I could fill several Morning Briefings on why I believe Jesus was the most important figure who ever lived and yes, truly the Son of God, also include historical evidence for his life apart from the scriptures. The biblical narrative tells us a lot about Jesus, but right now I want to consider what Jesus said about our subject matter. When you take your last breath on earth, where will you take your next one?

For that, I take you to Jerusalem.

Enter the night Jesus was betrayed by one of his best friends and then arrested by the Romans, put through a mockery of trials.  Jesus and the disciples were reclining at the meal we call The Last Supper.  In John chapter 14, Jesus told his disciples he would be leaving them soon, but quickly explained:   Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going .”

Thomas said to him, “ Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way ?” [You gotta love Thomas... practical and honest - he set Jesus up for the greatest one-liner ever]

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”   John 14.1-6. [So clear, Jesus]

As the disciples sat there that night, they just couldn't imagine all that was about to happen to their Messiah and Lord, and that it would forever change their lives. The persecution would ramp up to the extent that all of the men would die as martyrs, except for John. They knew too much to keep quiet - why, their lives had meaning and purpose as never before! With front row seats to Jesus' teaching, his incredible compassion and winsomeness, oh, and of course there were the miracles! Yes, they saw it all.

And then they saw him die. Naturally, they all thought it was over - surely a dead messiah would do no one any good. But then in short order Jesus walked out of that tomb. He did what he told them he would do--rise again. No one would ever talk these men out of what they knew and experienced of Jesus the Christ . . . no, they would die for it. And surely as each one faced their own unique deaths they thought about Jesus' words that 'he was going to his Father's house'--huh, Jesus was going home, he told them. And what's more, Jesus would make a home for them.

Did they remember the look on Jesus' face when he told them about his Father's house? hmmm....Home. What a concept. [What does the word home conjure up in your mind? 'Would be nice if we could sit down together and talk about it.]

Just so, I held Robert's hand and said, "Robert, it's okay to let go now. You can go home and be with Mom, hug her, have a cup of coffee. She's going to be so happy to see you! I am sure you will have a waterski waiting for you and a single-handle ski rope too. 'Ah remember how you and Mike used to argue about which was better when I was pulling out of the water--drag my left foot or put it in the back stirrup? Remember that, Robert?"

Memories of home. Ah, memories of someone being happy to see you when you walk in the door with a smile and a ready hug. That is what Jesus was talking about when he said he was going to prepare a place for us. [If memories like those are not your own, Jesus will make sure you feel wanted, loved and welcomed when you get to his house--that's what he was promising the disciples that night.]

It is true--Jesus has gone before us to prepare a place that will be our forever home for one reason - he wants us to be with him.

--->When you take your last breath on earth,

where will you take your next one?

Well. you. know. if. you. have. a. relationship. with. him.  He promises that when you look for him with all your heart, He will be found by you. Jeremiah 29.13. When you take your last breath here, your next breath will be with Jesus, and you'll be home.

As I fly, an old song popped into my head--production quality not that great, but it is good, and puts a smile on your face:

Come and go with me to my Father's house

It's a big big house with lots and lots a room

A big big table with lots and lots of food

A big big yard where we can play football

A big big house . . . its my Father's house


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Christine DiGiacomo is the executive director of PastorWoman Corp., a ministry whose sole purpose is to spread the love and Word of God locally, and around the world via the internet. Passionate about living the adventure of the Christian life to the fullest, she encourages others to do the same through Bible teaching, and powerful community outreach. 

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