The first phone call came about 9 am on Saturday, “Did you see it? Was the act clearly depicting the Last Supper—like, mocking it?”
While I had watched a good deal of the Olympics opening ceremonies, I had not seen the flamboyant depiction of DaVinci’s Last Supper. It did not take long to find – and there was no doubt about the intention of the sketch. Drag queens, a naked singer and transgender model made up the cast which also included a self-described ‘love activist’ lesbian as Jesus. How can this be - Christianity mocked on the world stage?
“What do you think of this evil?” another asked me.
“I think it was unmasked,” I replied. And, I also think that Thomas Jolly (the 42-year-old Jewish gay creator) and the Olympic committee did Christians a huge favor! Why, yes--it was evil laid bare.
“Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires.” Peter wrote.1
Catholic bishops have spoken out against the mockery, as have countless Christian believers around the world, so what now? Many have said they will not watch the Olympics as a result. Hmmm. . .
But wait, what about all of the athletes who have sacrificed and trained to represent their countries? What about the athletes like this one, who posted on Instagram: “Getting ready for Paris. Leaving all worries, doubt, anxiety, stress and pressure in Gods hands. When you see me you see His power. I can’t do any of it without His help and guidance. Thank you all for the love and support. May all glory and honor forever be the Lords.” [Vashti Cunningham, high jumper, daughter of former NFL quarterback Randall Cunningham - one of several American athletes unapologetic in their Christian witness.]2
So, no, boycotting the Olympics will not be this Christian’s response. But here’s the thing, friend, if you have not been paying attention – you are now on notice:
the culture in which we live feels free, bold and even protected
coming out against Jesus Christ and our Christian faith.
“So, what do we do?” my friend asked on Saturday morning, “I mean, this is crazy – what do we do about it as Christians?”
Stand up. Be strong and courageous!3 We have a job to do, as children of the most high God; we have a role to play. It is no accident you and I are alive at this time in history.
First, look in the mirror and pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me, and know my thoughts. See if there be any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting."4 We examine ourselves. Next we determine to walk closely with God, praying, "May my words and my thoughts be pleasing to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."5
And then we tap our helmets, stop wringing our hands about 'how bad the world is, how worried we are for the future' . . . Worry is of no use whatsoever. Friends, we of all people are to be living fully in the hope of Christ. We are meant to be part of the solution to what is wrong in our world. The words spoken to Old Testament Queen Esther run through my mind, ‘who knows but you were born for such a time as this?’6
And in this time and space--and the various arenas in which we each live and play, we must be ready to share the hope of God. Again, Peter: "in your hearts, revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."7
I take you back to the Old City of Jerusalem where the Last Supper took place (as we have considered in just this last week). . . by the way, unlike the DaVinci painting, the disciples would not have been sitting six each side of Jesus at a long table; they would have been reclining around a table. And just hours after that dinner, Jesus would be betrayed, arrested, scourged, tried and crucified . . . the perfect Lamb of God, tried for the sins of the world. How can anyone in their right mind mock this Jesus?
We must assume they just don't know him.
They have never been affected or changed by Jesus' unfathomable love and grace. But we have.
So we can tell them--that He gives life meaning and purpose, sets us free from bitterness and shame, gives us the promise life without end.
Yes, Christian, wake up. The hour just may be later than it seems. You've been commissioned . . . Speak up, speak the truth. Love well.
Listen: The Commission, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkJniP87XdQ
The stakes just got a littler higher,

1 – 2 Peter 3.3
2 – Sports Spectrum, https://sportsspectrum.com/sport/olympics/2024/07/25/20-christ-following-us-olympians-2024-paris-games/
3 - Joshua 1.9
4 - Psalm 139.23-24
5 - Psalm 19.14
6 - Esther 4.14
7 - 1 Peter 3.15