It was about 4.30 on a Tuesday afternoon and I was pulling into my parents' long driveway in the Bay Area with Matthew and Amy, who were quite small. Suddenly, everything started shifting, eerily shaking; we could feel it even in my big ol' Chevy. Telephone wires were swinging and so was the tetherball pole I was watching - it was crazy. It was the 1989 earthquake, the largest I've ever experienced.
Living in California all of my life, (until 3 years ago), I am keenly aware of seismic activity. Today, I propose to you that we ought undergo a voluntary personal seismic shift.
What do I mean by seismic? a strong, earth-shattering change
~not by something totally random, by a dint of our will
Toward the end of one of his letters, Paul included three short powerful verses. If you grab a hold of them and implement them into your way of thinking and being, you will experience seismic shift in your life - your attitude, your emotional health and your faith -- no matter your circumstances, whether on a personal or even global level.
Paul was writing to the Thessalonians (think beautiful Greece--pictured), and he instructed the Christ followers to:
>Rejoice always,
>pray continually,
>give thanks in all circumstances;
for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5.16-18
~Rejoice always - take delight in, find the joy; Paul is talking about rejoicing in our God. While circumstances may be swirling, the ground shaking, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13.8
Rejoice is a verb, an action . . . how often ought we delight ourselves (or rejoice)
in God -- who he is, his goodness, his faithfulness, his grace? always!
~Pray continually
Make prayer a part of who you are and what you do.
Some people look at their phone every couple minutes…
what if folks were just as habitual, breathing out a prayer,
carrying on an ongoing conversation with the Lord? First of all, it
would be productive and second it would bring peace.
Pray . . . a verb! How often? Continually ... an adverb. [Yes, I was an English teacher.]
~Thank God for all circumstances... even the tough ones!
As you thank (another action verb) him for a difficult thing,
ask him how he might like to use it to help someone else. God takes our bad stuff
and allows it to be used for good. That's because He is good like that you know.
~for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus
Over the many years I have been teaching God's Word, I have had so many people ask, 'how can I know God's will?' Paul is quite clear here about God's will! Why not memorize these three verses and make them part of how you operate? This Mind sHiFt will radically change your life!
5/Prayer: Praise God for who he is - Heavenly Father, Creator, Savior, Good Shepherd, Friend. Center yourself on him and who he wants you to be. Ask him to put someone in your path that you can bless in some way. Lift your requests to him and leave them with him. Thank him for his good gifts, and name them, one by one. Amen.
5/Worship: Praise the Lord, Matthew West,