Jesus, Not Another lIke him, 35! as we come to the end of this up close and personal look at Jesus, we have seen how he loves, what he teaches, and that indeed he then goes before us into heaven to make a place for us. And then I wonder what in the world is Jesus doing now?
Have you ever had a phonecall at just the right time?
Has someone shown you an extra measure of grace just when you needed it?
Or perhaps you fired off a text message asking for prayer and then, when you knew someone was praying.... well, it gave you strength? Come on! All of these are clues that we are not in this thing alone.
Your attention please:
What is Jesus doing now?
He is with us...
Jesus is loving us and
Jesus is praying for us.
Several years ago, I was driving to a women’s retreat where I was the speaker.
Wait, what? Yup. You read that right. [It is one of my favorite things to do--when people are away from home with less distraction, ready for a set-apart time with God...well it is amazing!]In this setting in the Los Angeles mountains, my topic was CHOOSE JOY. Problem is that in the two days before the retreat, I had major, I mean major problems/concerns in my immediate family. As I was driving there, I was praying and asking God who I could call to pray for me, that I would have wisdom and strength and well, joy? Yikes.
And as only the gentle Spirit of God can do.... he tapped me on the shoulder and said, ‘hey, turn around... remember what you taught at Bible study yesterday?’ And just like that I remembered what had literally come out of my mouth 20-plus hours before: after Jesus ascended into Heaven to take up his rightful place alongside the Father, he began praying for you ... and for me.
Check out what scripture says : He [Jesus] is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7.25
Paul said it too: Christ Jesus, who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Romans 8.34
I have shared this publicly before, but it bears repeating here on the nature of an intercessor - what in the world is meant by saying that Jesus intercedes for us??
This is a real life demonstration that answers that question. One day - many years ago now - I was conducting a Morning of Serenity at the beach - a time to come away with Jesus, a mini retreat. I had invited a young woman who agreed to come but arrived in the parking lot a little after me. As I went to retrieve something from my vehicle, I noticed a parking meter attendant pulling up behind her to write her a ticket ... I ran over and said, Wait, oh no! She just moved here from Tennessee! She does not know about that remote machine over there... hold on, I will buy her parking space time! I interceded for Natalie that day, and that my friends, is what the Intercessor does for us.
What is Jesus doing now? Jesus is praying for us, he is interceding for us which points to the fact that he is ALIVE, he is with us, and he continues to work on our behalf.
What are you going through?
Are you broken-hearted? Psalm 34.18 – God is close to the broken hearted
Do you feel abandoned? ‘Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.’ James 4.8
What is Jesus doing now? Loving us, pulling for us, praying for us.
Wherever you go, whatever you do, always remember, you have an Advocate before the Father, you have one who intercedes for you... the Lord Jesus Christ. Comforting, emboldening and empowering information to be sure.
"The Same God" - the song just says so much about our faithful God...
Jesus is praying for how cool is that?
