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Things you can count on -

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

what God says about himself.

Not another like him, number twenty-eight.

We have been looking at what set Jesus apart in his day - well, what sets him apart to this day. One of the greatest treasures we have of him is the words he spoke, words we can take to heart and count on--words that inform, speak to us, comfort and console us in our lives.

Many of the verbal exchanges Jesus had with his disciples could be easily passed over. But when Philip asked Jesus to show them (the disciples) the Father, Jesus revealed something very significant for you and me when he looked at him and said, Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. John 14.9.


Interpretation: when Jesus spoke words of tenderness ~ offering peace, comfort and concern, he was showing us the heart of God. Understanding that we have a good, loving, almighty, ever present Father determines how we live and how we live in and think of the world. -->Whether or not we turn to God in prayer and look to him as our Rock is dependent on us having and maintaining a foundation of truth from which we will not be shaken. Truth.

Because I am a child of God, I will choose to remember:

->God loves me, and he is faithful. His heart toward me is always GOOD.

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness…The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” Lamentations 3.22,23,25,26

Read it again.

->Whatever tragedy or trauma has occurred in your life has not caught God off guard.

How do I know that? Because God never slumbers nor sleeps! Psalm 121.4

He will never leave you. Hebrews 13.5

During difficult times, to whom or what will you turn for direction and for comfort? The choice is, of course, yours . . . you alone can choose your response.

->Every time heartbreak enters your life, you have an opportunity to turn to God, for him to comfort, bring peace and effect change

Remember that God’s heart toward you is good, that he loves you, and then you can maintain an attitude of praise toward him—as Job said,

“The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD.” Job 1.21

Yesterday I was talking to a friend who just lost his best friend to cancer; he is heartbroken...again. As we were talking, I thought about how many times in our lives where life simply does not make sense - honestly, even times when it seems like the bad guy is winning. It is then I pray the words of Joseph in Genesis 50.20 to God - Will you take this and turn it for good so that others will be saved?? You see, anything and everything, when surrendered to God can be turned for good. Hmmm...

And while it seems impossible, you can turn to God for help~ and claim the truth that,

“I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." Philippians 4:13

And, then what?

->Turn to God for direction and wisdom

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t just trust your own thinking. Proverbs 3.5

Ask God for wisdom, and he will give it to you. Period. James 1.5. Then, believe he is giving you the wisdom you require for next steps in your situation. Look for his direction, listen for his voice.

Is that all? Of course not, but these compile a great framework for Christians to access. One more thing—

->Jesus said it well, “Do not worry about tomorrow for it has cares enough of its own.” Matthew 6.34

God will give you strength for today; his grace is sufficient.

‘Want to radically change your viewpoint right down to your individual thoughts and responses? Memorize these Scriptures. Then you have them in the middle of the night or when you're driving down the road, and no one or no thing can take them from you. Write out the verses on a card and carry it with you until you’ve got it down. [I have a spiral 3 x 5 card tablet upon which I write the verse I am memorizing on two successive cards--I rip one out and carry it with me to meditate upon and memorize, and then keep the other as a refresher of the life-giving truths I am standing upon.]

Whether on a global, national or personal level, we have much to be concerned about: concerned -->not worried ... prayerful, alert -->not worried. We must remember that our trust is in God and he is faithful. We can run to him because he does not disappoint. We must look beyond what is right in front of us to the eternal plans God has for us. hmmm....

Friend, you're stronger than you think BUT you gotta choose daily to put your trust in an Almighty God.

God is FOR you,


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