Lord God, Maker of Heaven and Earth~ Looking upward. This is the day that you have made – I will rejoice and be glad in it!1 The heavens declare your glory, the skies your handiwork.2 Remind me, Lord, to look up! You are my light and you alone are my salvation; whom shall I fear?3 I will bless the Lord at all times; I will continually speak out praise to you.4 For this is what you call me to do, and I wish to be obedient. Lord, I love Paul’s simple words to ‘rejoice always, and again I say, rejoice!’5 Always means always, right, Lord? Even when the diagnosis means a changed future…even when he walked out the door…even if everything around me seems hard – even then, you said to rejoice in Who You Are. Lord, if the apostle Paul could rejoice in prison, then I can rejoice too, so I thank You, Lord, that you are the One True God who loves each person infinitely, including me. Looking inward. Lord, I do not want anything that would block your hearing or answering my prayers as I have weighty things to put before you today. Lord, would you forgive me of my sins? Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; see if there is any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting.6 Take away my sin, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.7 Looking to You, Lord God. Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and grace—your assurance that you forgive my sins and remember them no more.8 I know I will not pray anything to you today that you are not fully aware of, yet you desire—aye, you invite me to bring it to You ~ for mercy, guidance, blessing and favor. Actually, Father, you commanded me to bring every situation to you in prayer!9 Father, I pray for my country today – [Friend, while mine is America, yours may be India, Kenya, Great Britain, Holland, etc. -- pray for your country…] I pray that your purposes would be fulfilled in this country which was founded on you. I pray for the elections today that are so very important across the United States, issues deciding life and death—those that will impact the rest of the world as well. O God, protect human life! I pray that the election outcome would result in our nation being poised for greater spiritual growth and revival. God, I pray that believers, in particular, would take this sacred privilege seriously and vote as you would have us to do, that the election would be fair and that you would protect it from any dishonesty. Father, I pray for our elected officials—here and abroad—that they would have an encounter with you, the God of the Universe! Lord, would you step into the paths of our president, vice president, members of senate and congress and our governors, just as you did with the apostle Paul and draw them to yourself? Looking outward. On a personal level, Lord, have mercy on my life, I pray. Drawing it down to this very day, I pray that the things I say and the things I think about will honor You.10 When my thoughts go astray, prompt me, Lord, to take a hold of them and correct them.11 God, I lift before you those who need a merciful touch from you today—healing for their emotional or mental brokenness, physical illness, relationship with you, family relations or loneliness. I pray for the confusion in our young people, O God, have mercy on them. I pray for those who are serving You around the world—for your protection and strength and boldness, Lord. O God, hear my prayer and come in your gentle, kindly way. Resting my case with God. I surrender these things to You, Lord God, so thankful that your watchful eye is over all. Thank you for hearing my prayer. Thank you for the Bible—for it is truth, a revelation of you, your will, your ways and your plans for me. Thank you for the hope and promise of eternity with you – a place to look forward to all the days of my life. Thank you for provision of food, water, clothing and shelter, Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray these things, Amen. Always bearing this in mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0RRkVuJ5w8 Praying with you and for you today, Christine 1 – Psalm 118.24 2 – Psalm 19.1 3 - Psalm 27.1 4 - Psalm 34.1 5 – Philippians 4.4 6 – Psalm 139.23-24 7 – Psalm 51.7 8 – Hebrews 8.12 9 – Philippians 4.6 10 – Psalm 19.14 – May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer 11 – 2 Corinthians 10.5 – Taking every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ
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