When last we met, I spoke of how God speaks to us when we are hurting—yes, even in the season of Advent. As we expectantly look to the birth of Jesus Christ, I am aware that all is not as it should be. Many are hurting. May I suggest that this is the best time of all then to consider the light of our Lord? Hmmm, yes, I certainly believe so.
Loving all things Christmas, I have put lights on my tree, lights on the porch, lights on my mantel—all because Jesus is the Light of the World!
Listen to this Podcast: https://www.pastorwoman.net/podcast/episode/4a2c8093/god-speaks-from-creation-to-today-112922
God speaks. My friend, if I were to tell you that tomorrow at Noon God would be at your town square to speak to you, I dare say you would make every attempt to get there to hear what he has to say. Think of it: with the cacophony of voices, the jockeying of cultural positions to influence your thinking, if you could really hear the voice of the Almighty, wouldn’t you want to do so? God has spoken, and God yet speaks.
The fact is, God has spoken to us since time began. And today, God yet speaks. His voice is the voice of Hope. Do you hear him?
In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, he spoke creation into being. Recorded in those very first scriptures, And God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.”1 Then John reminded us that In the beginning was the Word (Greek expression for Jesus), and the Word was with God and the Word was God.2 All things were made through Him3 (Jesus)
Now look at this from the psalmist, uttered between creation and the apostle John's words: By the word of the Lord the heavens were made,
and by the breath of his mouth all their host…For he spoke, and it came to be;
he commanded, and it stood firm. 4
Jesus Christ spoke creation into being.5 God spoke, God yet speaks.
In the Garden of Eden we see how God came to walk and talk, face to face, with Adam and Eve…amazing.6 Yet this is how our daily lives with God were meant to be – this face to face contact between him and us. How different each of our days would be if we got to talk with God like that. Hmmm. . .
But our first forebears made the damning choice of their will over his, [thinking they knew more than God, p-r-i-d-e, and although he gave them a vast garden full of fruit trees], and chose of the only one he forbade them. Enter sin which changed life forever.
This of course did not catch God off guard but set in motion his plan to restore mankind to himself, through a Savior, his Son. The One who spoke creation into being and then witnessed the Fall, would be the instrument of Redemption, the way to return us to how he meant us to be, the One to get us back to the Garden, Restoration.
Four acts to explain all of human existence: creation, the fall, redemption, restoration. In his plan of Redemption, God would offer a forever relationship with himself again.
He spoke through the prophets to tell us of the Messiah he would send, which we will consider up close. But for today – look around you, look up at the creation God spoke into being … the sunlight, the powerful moon and stars at night. Ask Jesus, the Light of the world, to reveal himself afresh to you today. Oh, he is so good. He will certainly do it. God spoke, and God yet speaks. Are you listening?
God oft speaks to me through the voices of those who honor him, like in this song,
Light of the World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWeXVnRm6R8.
That you might look for the Light, I pray~
1 – Genesis 1.3a
2 – John 1.1
3 – John 1.3
4 – Psalm 33.6,9
5 – Colossians 1.16
6 – Genesis 3.8-10