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God speaks: can you imagine with me?

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

Merry Christmas! There is a hush in my home as I sit down this morning. No matter that the temperatures are in the teens, the hens are awake, so I must open their coop and bring out water (theirs is solid ice). Ha, the dogs barely lift their heads, cozy and warm, as I sit down with my Bible and Luke chapter two one more time. As I read, I wonder what it was like for the Father looking down as Jesus drew his first breaths . . . cried and then nursed at the breast of a young Mary. No doubt, God smiled; he knew his plans, and so did Jesus.

And over the years, I have wondered what Jesus would say to me and you right now, no matter if we are caught in the fuss and the muss of the holiday, surrounded by family or perhaps all alone, glad that Christmas is soon over. Imagine with me that you open today's mail and find a letter postmarked Heaven, signed by Jesus. Perhaps it would read something like this... click here to listen to the podcast of this Morning Briefing

Dear child, A blessed Christmas to you! Just as the townspeople of Bethlehem missed my birth all those years ago, it would be easy for you to get through Christmas and miss me, too. But I do not want that for you! If you miss Me, you will also miss the gifts of my birth: true joy and the peace only I can give you - way down deep inside. Oh, I know the way is really rough for some of you--Christmas without your dear one and many things unsure . . . Take heart, you are not alone, Child. I am as near to you as you will let me be, and I am for you. Come to me, and I will give you rest.1 Peace I give you--so do not let not your heart be troubled,2 dear one. Consider my gifts to you this Christmas, and you will discover peace, you will unlock joy. Ah, Child, just in case you were wondering . . . those were strange sensations I experienced, born of Mary, that night so long ago. I came a long way to bring a new way ~ to bring salvation to all people. But nothing prepared me for the pain I experienced on the cross at Calvary. Worse than the physical pain was when my Father turned his back on me, as I bore all of the sin of mankind in my being. I had never known such isolation or loneliness. If you were the only one ever born, I would have done it for you. And you know the story didn't end there--I did what I said I would do--I awakened from the dead and defeated the grave. I am alive. I give you the gift of relationship with Me. [I am not talking about religion, not even talking about church--but an all-the-time, ongoing daily relationship with Me] You will remember, when I returned to Heaven, ten days later I sent you a Comforter--the Holy Spirit.3 Do you sense the Holy Spirit's presence in you and at work around you? Enjoy the Holy Spirit, Child. He is a gift! If you want to really know me, read the Holy Scriptures, my tangible gift. Read the words of the prophets, the inspired words of the poet, David--read the words I spoke. You will find wisdom, instruction, inspiration, correction, truth, comfort - why, they are the very words of life! I have another gift for you, Madhava, Hakim, Matthew, _______; it is relationship that you can experience-the one that exists between those who call themselves mine. Some call it fellowship; nothing compares to it really. If you are not experiencing it, you are missing out. Find some people who love Me to do life with - you will not regret it, I assure you. ~>>>I am a simple prayer away. You could say something like this--Jesus, I believe in you, that you are the Son of God. Please forgive me of my sins. I want you to lead my life--I want to follow you. Please show me how. Amen. Best thing ever, right there. Finally, at Christmas time this year, do not miss My gift of contentment~ it is okay to rest in the "enough". There is freedom in living in the enough, and relishing with gratitude the very gift of life and breath. These are just some of my gifts to you this year- peace, salvation, a living Savior, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, the special relationships you have with other followers of Mine and contentment--all because it is my desire to bless you. May the blessings of Christmas continue into the New Year, Jesus p.s. I love you A song for you: The First Christmas - Merry, Merry Christmas friends and family! Christine 1 - Matthew 11.28-29 2 - John 14.27 3 - Acts 1 - 2

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Christine DiGiacomo is the executive director of PastorWoman Corp., a ministry whose sole purpose is to spread the love and Word of God locally, and around the world via the internet. Passionate about living the adventure of the Christian life to the fullest, she encourages others to do the same through Bible teaching, and powerful community outreach. 

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