Purpose, take six.
You have recently imagined being the hammer ready for use, ready to hit a nail and see how it feels to do what you were meant to do! You may have taken the time to think of what is your very unique God-given purpose, but then again, daily life distracts from such powerful thinking, of that I am all too aware.
podcast: https://www.pastorwoman.net/podcast/episode/2880a3ba/fired-up-and-ready-or-discouraged-purpose-take-six

Last night, while awaiting a delayed flight from Boston home to North Carolina, I penned a transitional morning briefing, but then. . . as I spent time alone with Jesus in my black and white checkered chair early this morning, I felt the prompting that I had left some things unsaid. I picked up my favorite pen and a new Moleskine journal (pictured) and began to write to God from my heart: All has not been said about purpose because there are the twists and turns, the failures, the heart aches which You take and use to be folded in to the grand and glorious purpose You have for each one of us.
There is the individual You formed us to be even whilst in our mother’s womb. To our design, you added temperament, personality, natural giftings and learned talents. All the while, You knew the way we would take while choosing education, vocation and perhaps a life’s mate ~ all while navigating life’s ups and downs, twists and turns, hardships and hurts.
Never losing sight of all, You beckoned us to the truth that You alone are God, we are Your blessed creation and it is both Your desire and plan that we walk hand in hand with You in this life . . . aye, forever.
Always You call us upward.
You call us to look to You, to look up in faith and to look forward to a life lived with intention and on purpose for You. I believe You invite us now - before we set aside a specific day to give you thanks - to stop, consider where we are in each of our lives and how we might serve You by living out our purpose. Realizing that sometimes we are much like a lump of clay that gets reshaped and refined as our lives twist and turn.
Here is what I understand and believe about being Your child:
~>I was created by You in Your image. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them. Genesis 1.26-27
~>You formed me. You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Psalm 139.13
~>I am your masterpiece! Paul wrote: For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2.10
~>You waste nothing. All that has happened in my life, either good or bad,
wonderful or woeful, if I give it to You, and seek You for wholeness, You will use it for a purpose to honor You and to help another along his way.
All things work together for me because I love you and am called according to your purpose. Yes and amen! Romans 8.28 personalized.
When I entrust my life fully to You, You take my life and weave all things together as a tapestry, fit for beauty and blessing. Thank you, precious Lord. Amen.
Friend, you will never be knocked out or disqualified by God--even when you make big mistakes. He has a purpose for you that will bring meaning, joy and fulfillment as nothing else can compare. Unsure of yours? Check out the next briefing.
With love in faith and on purpose,
Christine . . . and please give this song a listen or click on the above podcast; it is at the end: MISTAKES by my friend Melody Noel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EW2PyuGjQZ4