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What does God want?

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

Honestly, I was riveted by Jesus' prayer for us. [last briefing from John chapter 17] So real, so personal, so appropriate even for us 2000 plus years later. Segue . . . I was riding in the car with a friend the other day and we were talking about the challenges and woes of life. 'By the way,' I asked, 'do you ever write your prayers? All of these things you are trying to manage on your own you can take to God in prayer, and leave them with Him. And if you write your prayer, it gets it out of your head and you give it to Him!' Admittedly, maybe my mind is more scattered than most, but I tell you, my prayers have become more directed, more effective since using a pattern for my morning prayers. Truth: I am so less given to distraction when putting pen to paper! The following order is the plan I implement, writing in my Moleskine journal each morning, Bible nearby--a verse or verses to meditate upon, and of course, a good cup of coffee and trusty writing instrument.

Scripture Meditation ~ Verse(s) ________________

Adoration. Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name . . .

Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!

Psalm 103.1. Tell God who he is to you.

Confession. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who

sinned against us…

Father, would you forgive me for [let God reveal to you your compromise]:

Father, would you help me forgive:

Listening. Speak to me, Lord . . . I’m listening.




Asking. Give us this day our daily bread ~ our needs

Ask for God’s wisdom, ask for his favor daily

Ask him for others’ needs: who needs Jesus? who needs healing, comfort, financial remedy?

Thanks-giving. I thank you, God, for _____________

Straight up - The next picture is the prayer I penned this morning. You see, I believe, from the moment I turn my heart and mind toward God in prayer, he is there, ready to respond, ready to meet me. Perhaps this is silly to show you my written prayer, but this was it today, plain and simple. I promise you that you will be able to center your heart, mind and soul on the Lord, without the distraction of cell phone or other interruption if you do the same. There is space to give him to speak to you, room to hear his voice. A time of reckoning to let go of sin and shame, be cleansed and renewed... empowered on a daily basis to live fully on point, full tilt for the purpose God has given you alone.

What does God want? He wants relationship with you which can only happen as you get into the Word and enter into daily dialog with him. That's what God wants--relationship with you. And straight up? That's what you want too! What does God want? Same thing as you, if you only knew. Pursue relationship with him; your life will never be the same. With love and prayers for you, Christine

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