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So that you may know… simply, Christine

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

One summer afternoon I was sitting in the bleachers watching one of my sons play baseball when I overheard a woman behind me say, ‘…I haven’t met this lady, but someone forwards me her stuff.  I don’t know too much about her, but I like what she writes--Christine DiJee-uh-komo, something like that?’ I smiled turned around and introduced myself.  Thank goodness, she was saying something nice, right?   She wanted to know more about me--who I am, who I represent, my purpose in writing, etc.  Time for an update like that I think.  I am Christine DiGiacomo of San Clemente, California—a smallish coastal town in the southern part of the state, about halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego. Why do I write?  So that you may know. . .               1 John 5.13 A little of the back story--while I started writing Bible studies about 25 years ago now, those studies were mostly geared toward women.  Then after serving on the pastoral staff of a non-denominational church for some years, I had an assignment change in 2008.  While praying about it, I swear I heard God whisper the word ‘global’ to me, but I did not know what that meant. In the same week, a businessman acquaintance asked me some deep questions about making his company count for the kingdom of God--a lofty goal, but a good one.  ‘We want it to count more than just the bottom line… you know what I mean?’  Now how great is that? Taking notes on a lined yellow pad as he spoke, I then asked some direct questions about his personal commitment to Bible reading and prayer, to a local church, to some accountability in growing these areas.  Then we reasoned together with his business partner and discovered that while both of them wanted to be disciplined in growing deeper in the things of God, their demanding travel schedules made it difficult.  That is when I began writing daily Bible studies from the book of James and sending them via e-mail to the two of them.  The writings were a little more than a daily feel good devotional, but not a rigorous in-depth study either--something in between.  I dubbed the writings “Morning Briefings” because I had found that having a devotional time each morning--a set apart time with God--was revolutionary in my life.  In short order, I became the Corporate Pastor to that company and continue to serve them in four ways:  regular Bible study meetings with top-level management (until Covid),  a weekly international conference call prayer meeting; Morning Briefings sent to any and all of their interested people (including vendors and clients); ministering individually when I am called. BUT…here’s the wild part—God took the humble beginnings of “Morning Briefings” and expanded it to a global ministry.  So that five days a week, the Bible with real-life application, goes to thousands of people in 146 countries, via the written word and podcasts.  In addition, I believe in a local assignment.  For well over a year, I served the street people of Long Beach, getting the light of Christ into a dark community. (My writing on that ministry is dubbed “Tales from Long Beach” on the PastorWoman website) In 2009, I formed a 501c3—a nonprofit ministry—and called it PastorWoman because that is sometimes how my corporate guys referred to me and my street friends too.  That is what fuels the ministry and enables me to get God’s Word into the hearts and minds of local readers and those far and wide.  Isn’t it all so exciting?? For almost four years, I lead a ‘huddle’ of Fellowship of Christian Athletes at nearby San Clemente High School, large D-1 school with a high level of competition.  It is the hardest thing I ever undertook but was honored to see students come to know God, accept Jesus as their Savior and even get baptized.  (pictured at Riviera Beach) In the twentieth year of Women of Passion, (a group of women of varying ages and experiences with Christ, who have come together for the purpose of growing in faith and authentic friendship), Covid changed things up quite dramatically.  Our 100-plus women were no longer able to meet inside, gather around tables or break bread together; it was a huge loss to our strong community.  First, I livestreamed music and accompanying Bible teaching, but then we were given access to nearby San Clemente Outlets parking lot with an ocean view.  Since May, we have gathered weekly, picking up men and children as well:  God-filled music, biblical message, dogs on leashes . . . and now we are called THRIVE.  [You can join the Facebook group THRIVEOC and catch the livestream on Thursday mornings at 10 am PST] Personally, I am also a homemaker married to Dean—an equal part of ministry to my family of four children between the ages of 22 and 37, who I adore—three sons, a daughter, a son-in-law and five grandchildren, spread across four states.  (pictured on website, if you’re curious) I studied theology at Bethel and Simpson Colleges, have a bachelor’s degree in communications and a teaching credential as well.  I am constantly reading and learning.   All that to say, I do what I do  so that you will know of the great love of God. Soren Kierkegaard prayed, “Now, with God’s help, I shall become myself.”  I will not be the self I was intended to be without walking in the grace of God and neither will you. “Earth’s crammed with heaven,     And every common bush afire with God,        But only he who sees takes off his shoes—           The rest sit round it and pluck blackberries.”  Elizabeth barrett browning One final thought:  We are his workmanship [poema] created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Paul, Ephesians 2.10 Why do what I do? Same reason I hope you do what you're meant to do - so that others may know Christine

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About Me

Christine DiGiacomo is the executive director of PastorWoman Corp., a ministry whose sole purpose is to spread the love and Word of God locally, and around the world via the internet. Passionate about living the adventure of the Christian life to the fullest, she encourages others to do the same through Bible teaching, and powerful community outreach. 

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