"I am heading to Tennessee for corporate training. Would you mind sending me a prayer I might lift up each day? My time will be crazy!" Who could say 'no' to that?
Fact is, we need God today, but some of us are new at the Christian faith, others just cracking the door open again, still others 'tapped' beyond capacity by current circumstances. Sometimes a little borrowed creAtivity is in order.
So, here is a prayer to start your week, my friends -
Dear Heavenly Father,
As I stop to focus and pray, I look to you. Honestly, I know I really need you, but sometimes I do not even know what to say to you or how to start. Guess I will just start with the prayer you taught the disciples to pray.
Our Father who art… Ah yes, my Father in Heaven, I bow my knee to you.
Hallowed be your name … Lord, your name is holy--it is reverent and powerful, beyond any name I know here on earth because you are mighty and without equal. I want to connect with you today, God, because I know that you are not just mighty, you are also good. I need and want you in my life--even when I go about my daily life as though I don’t. Come, Lord Jesus.
Thy kingdom come …It is clear this world isn’t going to last forever, and you are going to have your say, you are going to have your way, and so I say even
now, ‘Come, Lord Jesus! Draw me closer to you, draw other people to yourself. Draw my loved ones to You.’
Your will be done - May we learn what it is to walk with you daily, God, for that is your will for all of us.
Won’t you please be merciful in parts of the world that are under siege, like the Middle East, Ukraine, persecuted Christians in Nigeria and India, O Lord. . . and to those whose lives have been rocked by mental illness, addiction, economic ruin. How we need You!
On earth as it is in heaven - God, draw our leaders, our public figures, professional athletes' hearts toward you.
Give us this day our daily bread - While I will not lack food today, I know that others will. Show me where I can give to them. But I certainly have daily need of you, and so I look to you that I might receive from you this day what I need to live my best for you. [For each who is praying, the daily need looks a little different--guidance, peace, joy, strength, assurance, hope, purpose . . . give to each of us what we need, I pray Thee]
Would you grant me your wisdom and blessing?
Would you prompt me to look for you . . . allow me to hear your voice leading? I will listen.
Lord, I lift up those I know who need healing from you ____, _____, _____
I ask you to draw my family members to yourself. O God, step into their paths just like you stepped into the apostle Paul's so they will see that in you alone truth is found, show them their need of you and how meaningful life is with you.
For the person who is losing hope, feeling all alone, make your presence known.
For the one who needs a miracle, O God, make it so!
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors - Lord, please forgive me of my sins…idle words spoken; bitter, unforgiving thoughts, things I ought
have done, but did not - things you prompted me to do, but I ignored. And
then remind me that in order to be forgiven, I must forgive. Forgive me for getting caught up in different priorities than those that matter most to you.
Lord, I have need of your hand in my life; I am not as strong or loving or peaceful when my mind is not set on you. So thank you for being interested in everything I even think about! Thank you, God, for your generous gifts starting with creation ... the ever-changing artists' canopy of the skies, birds, rivers, oceans, mountains, tall trees, flowers, children . . .
I thank you, Lord, for hearing this prayer. It is in your mighty name I pray all of these things,
so be it. "My Prayer for You", in song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hj_0pvIGkks