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Writer's pictureChristine DiGiacomo

Jesus says yes to you.  John 50


                        In Jesus Christ, the answer is Yes

Can you give me meaning in my life, God? Yes, Child.

Can you show me the way to find peace?  Most certainly, Son.

Can you give me the strength to face this difficult time?  Without question.

Do you have a purpose for my life?  One that is uniquely yours.

Can you tell me what lies on the other side of the grave?  Oh, yes!

No matter how many promises God has made, they are Yes in Christ

He who would not withhold his son from us does not withhold his goodness to us.1 Jesus is the assurance that God’s promises are all true.  God has promised peace for his children and that peace is in Jesus, who said to his disciples hours before he would be arrested, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.”2

Frankly, though Jesus mentions peace in the world, we know better than to look for it there.

          Look around -- there is no peace to be had.  It seems like half

          of California is on fire, the other half is going out of business;

          school children are wearing masks or staring at computer screens;

          a contentious election is afoot, and last night before bed, I learned

          two police deputies in their vehicle were shot, almost execution style.

          Peace from the world?  Not so much.

 That’s the macro level.  On the micro level, we know our individual struggles,

          trials, questions and fears all too well.  

And Then I Look Up.  I can testify to peace in Jesus and to the power in the words he gave to his disciples and us.  I Look Up and slowly recite Jesus’ words of peace, knowing he is the source of all true peace.  I have given those words away many times when no other words would soothe a hurting soul.

In Jesus, God says yes to us.  Consider Paul’s words, “But as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not “Yes” and “No.”  For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by me and Silas and Timothy, was not “Yes” and “No,” but in him it has always been “Yes.”   For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.”3

All of the Old Testament prophecies were promises God made to the people over hundreds of years; he fulfilled those prophecies in Jesus Christ, keeping his promises.  Jesus was yes to those who got no from everyone else—especially the religious people.  To the Samaritan woman at the well—you remember, the one who was into recycling men—it was yes!4 To the tax collectors, despised by the general populace, it was yes, I will dine with you.5

His manner was open and approachable; in fact, the Gospels present a man who has such charisma that people will sit three days straight just to hear his riveting words.  Jesus was the man for others.  He kept himself free—free for the other person.  He would accept almost anybody’s invitation to dinner, (yes!), and as a result no public figure had a more diverse list of friends, ranging from rich people, Roman centurions, and Pharisees to tax collectors, prostitutes, and leprosy victims.6

Jesus said yes to those who were down and out ~

Jesus was the friend of sinners.  

They liked being around him and longed for his company.   

Hmmm . . . stop and think about that . . . 

Jesus said yes to humility and became a man, taking on flesh like us.  He humbled himself enough to serve, taking up the towel and the basin, washing the dirty feet of his disciples.  Yes to arrest, yes to torture, mockery and imprisonment . . . yes to the cross.  Yes to death. And yes to new life when he walked out of that tomb.  Because I live, you also will live, Jesus promised.7 These are the very words that gave a 17-year-old Ravi Zacharias the hope to live, though he lay on his bed of suicide.

Truly, in Jesus Christ, it has always been Yes.  In what area of your life do you need a ‘yes’ from Jesus?  Lift it to him in prayer. 


p.s. I just listened to Ravi's biography, Walking from East to West. Oh, friends, I loved every minute of it. And at T.H.R.I.V.E., we will be studying his last book, Seeing Jesus from the East... so powerful, so informative. Join me???

1 - Romans 8.32

2 - John 14.27

3 - 2 Corinthians 1.18-19

4 - John 4.1-26

5 - Luke 19.1-10

6 - The Jesus I Never Knew, Philip Yancey

7 - John 14.19b

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