Isn't this just like Jesus?
Always thinking of those he loves.
Including you.
Even before Jesus laid aside his royal robes to be born of a virgin, he was thinking of you. Over the 33 years of his life, he had one eye cast toward the future - thinking of you. And today, you are still on his mind. You matter to him.
In the regular conversations I have with people of all different sort who tell me they 'have had it with religion' - well, Jesus gets that. But relationship? Well, that's a different story; now you're speaking his language.
Let's go back.
Recall with me the night Jesus tells the disciples they will not see him much longer as he will be returning to the Father. From the beautiful fourteenth chapter of John's gospel we picture Jesus as He looks into their eyes and says , "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever."1 At that point, Peter, James, John and the rest looked at one another wondering about this Helper--what did Jesus mean 'helper'? He explains a little more, "the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you."2
Read John chapter 14 in full:
Soon the disciples will not see Jesus in the flesh, but he promises he will not leave them alone--ever. [I mean... seriously, how reassuring is that?] He will make his presence and power known in their lives through the Holy Spirit, and ten days after he ascends into Heaven, he makes good on his promise. (his arrival on the scene:
That same promise has extended over the centuries to his followers today.
Let's talk real talk.
I have never seen Jesus, but I sure have felt his presence.
Just as I have never seen the wind, I have felt the effects blowing the hair around my face, drying my eyes and sending a chill down my spine. And I have seen the wind cause silver-dollar-like leaves to flicker and dance in the breeze, and stiff whitecaps crest on the ocean. Didn't see the wind, but I saw its effect.
Just so, we do not physically see the Lord, but we see and feel the effects of his presence in our lives in various ways through the Holy Spirit. As Jesus said, the Holy Spirit is our Helper. The Greek word3 Jesus used is far more descriptive than simply 'helper'; it means he not only helps us, but advocates/intercedes for us, going 'to bat' for us before the Father.
What Jesus knew about his disciples, he knows today--we need the Holy Spirit of God in our lives, especially if we are to become all that we are meant to be. The Spirit comes to those who are his followers and equips us with power from on high to live lives that matter, lives of influence that honor God.
The Holy Spirit is a constant Presence. He promised he would never leave us nor forsake us. So, He is with us, irrespective of how we feel.
He will be our Teacher and will remind us of what Jesus has taught us. (but there is our part--learning what Jesus taught!)
The Holy Spirit assures us that we are his children.4
He breathes new life in us.5 . . . and makes us new creatures!6
Paul explained it this way, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." What hope! What promise!
The Holy Spirit gives us the assurance that we belong, that we are children of God. More to come, but what a Gift the Holy Spirit to our lives.
Ponder that last thought - you belong.
And me too. In a world where I often look around and think 'who are my people?' it is the best news ever that God looks at me and says, 'hey, you belong--you belong with Me. 'Isn't that just like Jesus?
Is He Welcome in Your Life? a song:
Holy Spirit #7
1 Â John 14.16
2 Â John 14.17
3 parakletos
4 Romans 8.16-17
5 Romans 8.11
2 Corinthians 5.17