Then wouldn’t I want to chase those things?? In the last Morning Briefing, I posited that some things last forever after all. The things? God, the Word of God and our individual relationship with him. So I was thinking, in light of eternity, which is a whole heck of a lot longer than these precious lives we’ve been given, shouldn’t we then be interested in investing in that life--that eternal life?
And, if indeed, God lasts forever after all… You remain the same and your years will never end.1
Our relationship with God lasts forever… I have written this to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have eternal life.2
And his Word lasts forever… Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.3
There is a huge overlap that we ought to consider cracking, right? That overlap - is that what geometry calls the intersection? Hmmm….
Jesus strongly asserted we ought ‘lay up for ourselves treasures in heaven’4 those things that cannot be stolen and do not degrade over time. A dynamic, intimate relationship with God lasts forever and also strengthens us daily in a life that often steals from us through heartache, past pain and brokenness.
Yet we struggle to fit God in to our lives. I received this response the other day and I’m sure it is representative of hundreds of others: Hi Christine, Why do I always make setting time aside “Bigger” in my mind? And what do I do if I crave the structure of having something to read besides just the Word, and sitting in prayer?
Her concern--staying interested, focused and making the most of her precious time. Valid. But my concern is that she figure out that overlap--because it is in growing the intersection of God, His Word and our relationship with him forever - that we simply must invest ourself!
It was in trying to address that daily need that I started writing Morning Briefings in July, 2008, for two businessmen. Because they were more often on an airplane than at home, it was a way to get the Word into their hands, no matter where they woke up in the morning.
The equation for a meaningful life and an eternity filled with more than we can adequately describe here is:
Back to simple mathematics: Bible time + conversation with God + mindful awareness of Christ throughout the day = making a choice to live fully for him.
Talking with our Father
+ Awareness of God’s presence throughout the day
A vital life in Christ!
There is no right amount of time, Friends. The point is connectivity.
So, (1) read or listen to your Morning Briefing, paying attention to the Word
(2) Talk to your Father
(3). Make space for him in your day.
There, my dear girl, is your structure…good for those of us who chase squirrels too!4
Song: By the Spirit, Pat Barrett,
Daily walking with Jesus,

1 - Psalm 102.27
2 - 1 John 5.13
3 - Matthew 24.35
4 - squirrel reference -