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Come . . . Just Come.

"I read what you wrote about being devoted in prayer and I liked it; I felt sort of beckoned by it.

You had that verse near the top: Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart. Colossians 4.2 I am challenged by those few words actually. Then when you described that prayer gets God working on our behalf, and us working sort of on his behalf - well, that makes prayer personal. But personally, I just find it hard to be faithful to pray. I know I should ... I feel better when I do ... but somehow I am pulled in so many directions, that I. rarely. just. sit. down. to. be. with. God. Usually, when I pray, I am in a hurry, and sorry to say, but most of the time-well, I just shoot one-liners up, and I hope God is listening. If I am honest with myself, my prayers bore me, and they probably bore God. Can you help?"

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And so I prayed: 'Lord Jesus, you talked a lot about praying so I know you want us to pray, but . . .your people need help. And Lord, what did you mean by 'Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart?' Can you help, Lord?'

Come to prayer

Come often.

Come desirous just to be with Me,

and for Me to be with you.

Come open

ready to receive.

Purpose to bring your best self

not fuzzy or distracted,

but focused on the business of prayer.

No matter the hour or the time of day, I am here to meet with you,

and I always bring all of Me to be with you.

Do you not know, have you not heard that I never tire, never slumber nor sleep? When you sleep, I continue praying on your behalf to the Father.

When you are unsure of what to pray, my Spirit devotedly prays for you.

But Child, even when you are unsure of what to pray,


Come be with Me.

Sit in My presence.

Thank Me for loving you, for taking great delight in you.

Thank Me for never leaving you.

I will come, Lord, and thank you.

"I thank you God for making me in Your image.

I thank you God for knowing me, for knowing all about me,

and loving me anyway.

I thank you God for making a way for me to be with You forever,

by giving me Jesus.

I thank You God that You are good and Your mercy and kindness are forever~

~you are trustworthy

~you don't change

~your love does not fail, it does not fade

~you don't change your mind or go back on your word

~you have a plan and a purpose for me

And then Lord, I thank You that when I fail, when I sin, I can turn around and come to You, admit my sin, You will forgive and cleanse me . . . You no longer see that sin in me.

And Lord, I thank You that I will one day hear you say, 'Welcome home, Child ... wait till you see all I have here for you, wonders you have never even imagined will be yours, and the love just flows on and on. You were made for this, your home has been prepared. Welcome, my beloved.'

Just call me 'devoted' as I will come.


Come boldly to the throne of our gracious God.

There we will receive his mercy,

and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4.16

Great song: Come to the Table,



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