We all take certain steps to ready ourselves before we leave home daily. My fellow passenger this past week clearly took great care donning a hazmat suit so that he would feel safe flying.
Before I start my car during these Covid-19 days, I make sure I have my mask, just in case. Similarly, I sewed masks for my family members to make sure they are covered as well. So, what? Well, with all of the unknowns just now, we ought to take the same kind of care [before leaving home] with our internal selves.
You know, I do not know if you have thought of him this way or not, but Paul was much like a spiritual parent to the churches he spawned throughout the Mediterranean lands. He wanted the young believers to be fully aware of being Christ followers in a non-believing world, and taught them of the spiritual battle that was always going on around them. His words are instructive, inspiring and empowering:
“ For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh
but have divine power to destroy strongholds.
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God,
and take every thought captive to obey Christ” 2 Cor. 10.3-5
Paul’s warning was not just applicable to the first-century Christians at Corinth--no, sir! It is as relevant, if not more, for us today. To be honest, some do not like to talk about the devil and I’ve come across those who do not want to countenance the truth of evil at all, but my dear friends, that does not mean it does not exist! Remaining ignorant of the way the enemy works means that you are choosing to be unaware and you are choosing to leave your fort undefended.
It was Jesus himself who described for us an enemy who comes only to steal, kill and destroy. John 10.10. Right now, for instance, he is costing us lives and jobs, stealing out ability to worship in churches, and then he is going after everything else that is good and righteous in our lives, such as peace, joy, love, contentment, forgiveness and freedom. But we are not defenseless . . . no, sir! Indeed, we who are Christ’s followers have been given ‘weapons’ with which to gird ourselves.
Our weapons are God-given--the Word of God, righteousness, faith,
the gospel of peace and the power of prayer. Paul called these things the ‘armor of God’,
and told the believers to put on the full armor of God,
and then they would know his strength and his power! hint: new series
So, when you put on your deodorant in the morning, remember to put on the armor of God. Huh, I just thought of Tom Cruise putting on his flight gear before climbing into the cockpit—why? Because that prepared him for flight and offered him protection. Sam Darnold, New York Jet quarterback for the NFL, does not step onto the playing field without helmet and protective gear—why? Because those are his protection, enabling him to play the game well AND without fear. Now, you--you are a child of the King, so walk in righteousness and truth and gird your loins with time with God--in his Word and talking with him. Picture yourself putting on the righteousness of God, kinda’ like your own harness, and carrying his word within you. ‘Got it? Deodorant… soul armor…and okay, now you can put your pants on!