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What’s up with this?  John #47

AKA, "Talking about sin is unpopular at best." So, why do it? How did you get here?  O I don’t mean to this planet, but ‘how did you come to be reading or listening to this post?’  Could be that you have been with me for a long time, maybe even from the beginning when I started writing Morning Briefings in July, 2008.  Then again, it could be that someone forwarded this post to you or you saw it on a social media platform; you could be in Israel, Pakistan, India, Ghana or down the street from me in San Clemente, California.  [By the way, why do I call these writings Morning Briefings?  Because many years ago, my life was changed when I made a commitment to start my day with God--some Bible reading and some prayer time. So when I began writing for two businessmen to catch and read-no matter where they were in the world, it became my highest desire to pass on the life-changing daily discipline by any and all means.] ‘So what’s the point of all of this, Morning Briefings and such?’ you ask.  The point is true knowledge, hope, wisdom and love. The source: the divinely inspired Word of God which informs us about God and his great love evidenced by the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ.  So much to learn, so much to absorb, so much to soak in!  Then she asked me, ‘Okay, okay, but the last email I got from you talked about sin--what’s up with that?  I mean, seriously Girl, don’t you care about ratings?  Aren’t you into ‘likes’ and ‘shares’?       ‘You’re so funny . . . of course I am!  Who isn’t, right?  Everyone wants to be liked!’   I responded to her. I think of some current coursework I am taking that has spelled out the need for building my platform; ha! honestly, any discussion of sin reduces one's platform. So here it is.  As they say, ‘Here are the facts, Ma’am - nothing but the facts.’ >The Scripture is the only truth upon which we can stand. >We need truth that is infused with HOPE and PEACE now in September 2020, like we have never needed it before. >If we are going to study Scriptural truth, we need to read it straight through - not    cherry pick the things easy to hear or read, popular or in vogue - and not just the passages that are about hope and peace, but all of it >Jesus is always in season. Because Jesus is life, we must seek to know him in every way we can…his words, his work, his life.  That is why we are studying the book of John, written by the author/disciple who dubbed himself ‘the one whom Jesus loved.’  So as John records, Jesus was about to walk past a blind man, but a couple things happened that changed everything: 1) Jesus really SAW him, SAW his situation 2) The disciples asked a common question in their Middle Eastern setting,  So, ‘who sinned - this man, or his parents, that he was born blind’?   Being interpreted: someone is to blame for this man’s predicament - who is it? There it is - the topic on the floor: sin.  Ew.  I mean who wants to discuss or debate it really?  Five people ‘unsubscribed’ to Morning Briefings on Friday morning alone because I talked about sin. But here's the thing: I want to learn the right way to live - Jesus shows me that way. I want to know and walk in truth: Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth and the Life. I want to understand his teachings even when they seem counter-cultural, and they often did and often do. That is why I talk about sin as I write, because Jesus did, as here in John chapter nine. Even when I would rather skip right over it because people will turn away. By the way do not lose sight of the fact that Jesus healed the blind man. Can you imagine what it must have been like to see for the first time ever? Jesus said, If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.* And that's what's up with this. Christine *John 8.31-32

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