You have a unique purpose.
Imagine. You are one of the crowd as Paul is on trial at the end of his life - I have to believe the only reason he stayed resolute is because he knew his calling, he knew his purpose and he would not back down--so great was the love he had for the Father.
Imagine. You watch from under a tree as Jesus walked up these very steps, arrested and shackled, having left the Garden of Gethsemane on his way up to the high priest Caiaphas’ house. Jesus had a purpose and he would not back down, would not be deterred.
Imagine knowing and walking out your purpose.
Consider this verse from the pen of Paul:
~>And we know that all things work together for good
to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose.1
How profound, how hope-filled are these meaningful words written to the believers in Rome. Two thousand years later, we children of God still count on that same hope which is also a promise without an expiration date. Today, I read ‘called according to his purpose’ with new eyes, seeking fresh understanding as I ask, ‘God, what did Paul mean by ‘your purpose’? What purpose(s) do you have for those who follow you?’
‘God, speak to us of our purpose in you.’
‘How far back shall I take you, Child?’ the Potter asks this lump of clay. ‘The start – shall I take you there? Well, as you know, I WAS from the beginning—I have always been … I AM. Just days after I created the heavens, the earth, the dry land, seas, animals and more … I saw that none of these would bring relationship. Only a human being could afford the opportunity for relationship.’
~>Thus, because none of his creation brought communion or community, God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, in our likeness…”2 “So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”3 Do not read quickly over that.
Imago Dei, Latin for image of God;
you and I were created in the very likeness of God.
[meditate on that for a moment]
Then of course we were designed for a life of purpose!
~>The psalmist was divinely inspired to capture this—For You formed my inward parts; you covered me in my mother’s womb. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.4 Here's the thing: before you were born, God knew you. Before you spoke a word, God took great delight in you! Staggering. Rest in him because he already knows the breadth of your days and he is in control. Nothing about you is accidental—no, it is by design, planned with great intention and destined for a purpose.
Perhaps you have had God all wrong, confusing him with religion.
Perhaps you have given up on yourself – God has not given up on you!
Perhaps you are just plain bored with your life . . .
Take heart!
God loves you so much he has your name written on the palm of his hand…5
God has a unique purpose for you--one that does not expire because you are aging.
After all, you were created in the image of the Creator!
Before you were even born, God knew you and designed you for greatness in him.
Seriously, how crazy is it that your name is inscribed in his hand?
Say a prayer and ask God what purpose he has in mind for you.
And then . . . stay tuned, listen for him to speak, O purposed one.
He knows your name ~ song:
1 – Romans 8.28
2 – Genesis 1.26
3 – Genesis 1.27
4 – Psalm 139.13, 16
5 – Isaiah 49.16