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May Peace Be Yours.

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

The Peace of Christ be with you. John 14.25-31

To read a little more from John 14--

We are a people in need of peace. Quiet. Inner rest. A knowing that all will be well.

O to have been ‘round that table that night as shadows danced across the faces of the men Jesus was looking at! O, to have been one who had seen Jesus’ eyes, heard his intonation as he spoke

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.

I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled and

do not be afraid.” John 14.27

The only peace that is worthy of the name is Peace with God.

God’s peace is not man-made,

can’t be learned in a book

can’t be summoned up with enough good will.

Our loving God offers his children a peace that surpasses all understanding! His peace makes it possible to be in a very difficult situation and still know peace. While it cannot be adequately or fully described, if I asked you to define God’s peace, and you have truly experienced it, thinking of it would etch a sweet smile on your face; I dare say your entire countenance would change. Peace … sweet peace.

"Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee." St. Augustine said. And he was right. Jesus is the only source for true peace in our inner hearts, and we have immediate access to it. We do not need another person or mechanism or tool, just our Lord Jesus. Thanks be to God! Jesus' words have been life-giving to me: Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. I have written out this verse and given it to many a hurting heart; Jesus' words are so comforting.

'Okay, but Christine, to be honest, I'm struggling--I mean, I'm a Christian, but how can I connect with this peace Jesus offers?'

Take 15 minutes to start each day with intention.

Sit down for a Set Apart time with God

>Scripture Meditation: Choose a verse or verses, ask God to help you understand, apply - such as John 14.27 above.

>PRAYER: I order my prayers something like this--

Adoration: "Our Father who art in Heaven . . . hallowed be Thy name".

Appreciate God in your own words. You could pray from the psalms, such as Psalm 103

Confession: "Forgive me of my sins, Lord." Name them -

Asking: Pray for others’ needs, specifically.

Pray for yourself; be sure to ask God for wisdom, for favor and his blessing (each of these are biblical)

Thanks-giving: I thank you, God, for __________ , ___________,

Listening: “Speak to me, Lord. I’m listening . . .”

Give God some quiet in which to speak. Be still. Write down what you sense he is telling you, perhaps from the scripture you just read.


Paul said that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds; friends, this is it, Romans 12.1-2 in practice. This is how we renew our minds ~ with a set apart time to start the day.

Then no matter what comes our way each day, we are ready.

No matter the duress, we can know and walk in the peace of God.

A Set Apart daily time with God leads to a well-ordered heart and yes,

peace of Christ may be yours.


Advent, week two: peace

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