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Campbell's soup for peace? Yes!

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

"Okay, Christine, I got your message loud and clear - God is trustworthy. Here's the thing: I do trust God. In fact, I think I'm closer to the Lord now than I've ever been in my life, but I am dealing with so much pressure right now, I find it impossible not to get weighed down by it . . . I'm only human after all. I believe God is sovereign--just like you talked about yesterday, but how do I get the message from my brain to my nervous system?"

We are talking about true peace - peace that comes only from our Lord Jesus. But what about when our souls are settled, but our minds are not? Does not feel too peaceful, does it? What to do.

Over decades now, I have had this discussion in various forms. The truth is that we cannot stop 'worrying' or obsessing on something just by a dint of our wills,

No, you are not apt to just stop thinking worrisome thoughts or will yourself not to think them, because those thoughts will likely plague you just the same. You and I must replace our unfruitful thinking with truth. I have found no better way to conquer your mind than to replace your natural thoughts with supernatural ones.

Somehow this simple illustration has seemed to resonate with many over the years. Picture your thoughts are metal cans lined up in your brain—you can trade out unproductive thoughts/cans and replace them with good and right thoughts. Picture a can of Campbell’s soup—what does it look like? ‘Red and white label, ‘Campbell’s’ in script, and ‘Chicken Noodle’ (or whatever) in bold letters.’ Now imagine it labeled ‘worry’—it is as though you need to take the ‘worry’ can from your mind, put it on a shelf, and replace it with the can labeled ‘trust’. So go ahead, trade worry for trust. [Notice the action—you must actively choose to replace your unproductive thinking.]

Trust? Yes! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.1

Simple application: When you choose to trust God, he promises He will lead you. You are not in this thing alone; God will guide you.

"Okay, but what about if this happens? What about when this happens?" you ask.

In yesterday's briefing, I wrote about several of the prophecies spoken of Jesus Christ hundreds of years before his birth--then fulfilled in his coming. Promises made, promises kept. So too are the promises God has given us about himself and his sure conduct in our lives.

Uppermost in my mind is our Heavenly Father's promised steadfast love for us. [Did you read this recent briefing-].

As though he was holding your face in his hands, looking directly in your eyes, hear these words: My steadfast love for you does not come to an end.

My mercies are always ready for you.

in fact, there are new mercies each day.2 mercies: wisdom, blessing, strength, grace

Friend, you and I, as children of the most high God, must live one day at a time.

With intention, take the thoughts of fear/the Campbell's soup can of fear/the 'what if's and what about when's' out of the storehouse of your brain and replace it with the truth that God will be in each of your tomorrows with mercy for you.

Feed your mind truth so the rest of you has a chance at peace.


1 - Proverbs 3.5-6

2 - Lamentations 3.22,23

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