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You Need This: That's the Truth.

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo

June, 2019.

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I heard you - things are at a desperate point in business.  Unless God himself does something ... all may be lost. While I cannot change the economy, cannot influence the 'powers that be' on trade matters, I know what you should do:  seek God.  He alone sustains.

I heard you - you have been living a lie. All looks good on the outside, you've kept up appearances (sort of), though if you're honest, and who knows if you will be, you are crumbling. I cannot step in to set matters aright - in your mind, choices, or in telling the truth, but I know what you should do: seek God, ask him for help.  He alone will heal.

I heard you, twenty-something. You cannot really figure out where you are going, let alone how to get there. You're reading Into the Wild, and again you think, 'perhaps I would be happier and so would those who know me' if I just went off the grid into the wild. As your mother, I know what to do, and I pray that you will remember too: seek God, ask him for help as he loves you as no other. He alone can make your paths straight.

Problem is, your brain is under full assault with the pressures that abound . . . what to do?

While flying home from Boston several nights ago, I was thinking about the weighty matter of TRUTH, and how to communicate the imperative of seeking to know absolute truth and walk in that TRUTH in our lives.   I discovered something I just have to share: The Great Experiment - 10 Days of seeking God together.

Today is Day Two, and this is what it looks like:

1. Read and Pray Lamentations 3:25 - The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him. Read Lamentations 3:19-33 for more context. Today's Prayer Points * In this age of immediate gratification, pray that we would have patient endurance as we seek God for His Kingdom to come. * Thank God that He will be good to you as you wait on Him.

2. Repent. What sins do I need to repent of today? What hindrances to my devotion to Christ can I remove today?

3. Respond to the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, what is the one thing you most want me to do today? (Write it down, and do it today).

4. Represent Christ. How will I bear witness to Christ today? With whom shall I share the Gospel today?

5. Raise Your Faith. Be bold and courageous in living out your faith (Joshua 1:8,9). Choose from one of the following options for a "Joshua Faith Challenge":

1. Host an all-night prayer meeting. Set a date during June 1-10 and invite friends to come and pray with you for revival in America.

2. Every day, pray for ten friends and family members to come to faith in Christ and look for opportunities to share the gospel with them.  **this is what I chose to do

3. Share an evangelistic post on social media every day from June 1-10.

4. Anything else the Lord burdens you to take on that will require courageous faith. **okay, a little o'this too

The first day, June 1, I took the challenge - wrote down the names of 10 friends or family members who are far from God, then was mindful as I went through my day to continue to pray for them. In addition, from a 'going away' party in Laguna Beach to a college graduation party in San Clemente, I remained mindful of opportunities to represent Christ. I should like to change the name of this to "The Great Adventure", but alas, I will not.

The above five points of The Great Experiment is from an organization out of New York City, Christian Union Day & Night; check it out, as I did: You can sign up to participate:

I am praying for you, business friend                                                                  

Praying for you, beautiful friend                                                                        

Praying for you, Son, faithfully                                                                          

Praying for you, America . . . DAY AND NIGHT.

The Great Experiment . . . join me?


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Christine DiGiacomo is the executive director of PastorWoman Corp., a ministry whose sole purpose is to spread the love and Word of God locally, and around the world via the internet. Passionate about living the adventure of the Christian life to the fullest, she encourages others to do the same through Bible teaching, and powerful community outreach. 

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