August 16, 2021
How are you walking or running? When Danny was sick in the hospital, I spent every night with him, of course. But several afternoons, Dean sent me home for a few hours to be with our other three children--especially Dylan who was just five years old. I hated being away from Danny because I was terrified he would die while I was away. Illogical, of course--as though my presence would keep him alive...sure. There were times when I pulled back into the hospital parking lot and I would break into a run to get back to his bed--again, afraid he would die before I got to him. Running in fear.
But then there was the day Danny and I both went walking into the hospital together. It was the day after Dr. Ben-Nezzer had given me the news (on the phone) that he would get well from his kidney failure1, the day she started tapering off his meds. On that day, I walked in holding Danny’s hand, my head was up and my posture strong once again, confident that God was answering prayer and Danny was going to live. Walking in confident faith.
Two different ways of walking [into the hospital.]

I learned a few things in the school of miracles: miracles are not necessarily instantaneous nor even immediate. Slowly, the blood loss got lighter, though it would be another few months before all of Danny's symptoms were gone. At a six-month check, he got a clean bill of health. Praise God! Even with that, this could have stunted his growth and his kidneys could also have stopped growing . . . it did not.
Needless to say, after Danny's miracle, my faith was GREATLY increased; I became impassioned with what God wanted to do in, for, and through his people by his great power, which is available to all who believe and will ask for it. I was so humbled by the mighty move of God in our family, and as I prayed, I asked him to show me what to do with this precious gift.
In my imagination, it was as though I saw myself holding something beautiful and rare in my two hands and I wanted to share it with others. ‘I will steward this miraculous gift of life well, Lord--I will serve you as you lead me,’ I promised.
Things were different for me after that. I saw all of life as an opportunity to pour myself out for God in whatever ways he would lead me. I remember telling God “use me . . . I’m ready”. Yes, I was both impassioned and emboldened.
I told God I would go,
I would tell others, and
I would also pray for the miracle others needed.
And I have, for almost 21 years now.
The first opportunity came about two months later when a much-loved neighbor was stricken hard by Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Remember, we were new there, but Dylan (5) was learning to play roller hockey with his sons. When I prayed for Larry, I asked God if he would have me take any action. Indeed, I felt God was leading me to offer a time of prayer for him in my home. Can you believe it? This was so out of my comfort zone… so ‘out there’. But Jewish agnostic Larry said yes! So the neighbors came pouring into my living room in support of their friend, our neighbor, and we prayed . . . and God heard, God answered.
Here’s the thing - when you have seen the hand of God move in response to your prayers, it moves you to pray more! It is exciting to pray! When you have seen God do the miraculous… like with Danny - heal when the doctors couldn’t heal … it emboldens your faith. And it impassions you. You want to tell everyone that God is real, that he loves us so much that he not only hears our prayers but answers them!
Jesus said we are to “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”2. Jesus.
“You do not have because you do not ask.”3. James, Jesus’ brother.
“Never stop praying.”4. Paul one verse--three words
“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”5. God.
Let me ask you are you walking in confidence because you are entrusting your life in prayer to God, because you are carrying your requests--including your worries and fears--to God? Do you believe he is strong enough, good enough and cares enough to answer your prayers? O, he does! Listen: Goodness of God, Jenn Johnson,
Let’s walk in confidence, Friends!
1 - Don’t know what I’m talking about? Read yesterday’s briefing: How do I know God is faithful? Here’s Proof:
2 - Matthew 7.7-8, NLT
3 - James 4.2
4 - 1 Thessalonians 5.17
5 - Joshua 1.9