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Nothing short of miraculous!

Writer's picture: Christine DiGiacomoChristine DiGiacomo
Gabriel's concluding comment to Mary is powerful: Nothing is impossible with God1 Merry Christmas, Friends! I don't know that we really doubt that statement, but when we hear of a current day miracle, it builds our faith - it reminds me of the magnitude and sheer power of our God. The last briefing I sent was on December 8th, and then nothing... I haven't written or podcasted since then. When you're a one man show, and that man goes down, there is no one to fill in the blanks.
In Matthew's account of Jesus' birth, he says this is how it went, this is what happened2 - and for me, this is how it went - the account of my Christmas miracle. On Wednesday, December 9th, I pulled my car into my garage, (about 5.15 in the afternoon), gathered my belongings and got out of my SUV3; walked around the back of the car and decided I should give it a little more clearance from the garage door. Hopped back in, pushed the 'on' button and put it in Drive to pull forward another foot or so. Done. As I got out of the XT4, the car started moving - I need to emphasize right here that I was not distracted in any fashion. I was not multi-tasking, I was not talking on the phone, I was not in a hurry. The car had slipped into Reverse, so it was not just rolling, it was in gear with my driver's door open . . . I tried to turn the steering wheel so it would not hit another car - to no avail. Within nano seconds the open door jammed against the garage doorframe, as I threw my arm out, and ripped it open on a metal bracket... Because it was in gear, the car kept working to free itself, and eventually it did--now grabbing me and pulling me down the driveway and running over me. Yes, it happened quickly, but I knew I was about to be run over, which I have relived over and over. The vehicle ran over my right buttock, lower middle back, left foot and over the inside of the torn left arm, not stopping until it 'totalled' the small car at the curb across the street. My neighbor heard me yelling 'help!' (and yes, I had visions of the lady on the tv commercial, "I've fallen and I can't get up!"). Within minutes, various emergency vehicles were on scene, and I was transported to the nearby hospital trauma department. Even while my body involuntarily went into shock, shaking from head to toe, I was breathing out 'thank you, Lord; O God, thank you'. I knew he had me--even if I was to see him face-to-face right then. It is Christmas time. Here's where you come in: ~>do you know God has you in his hand? ~>do you fully trust him - with all of who you are? ~>are you at peace? There is nothing in all of the world like the peace of God. So what was discovered by the trauma team at Mission Hospital as they cut all my clothes off of me, even my brand new festive red shirt? They discovered what I already knew - he who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.3 They discovered that though the 4,000 pound car left marks on my body, I did not have a single broken bone. How is that possible when the car sprung from the garage doorframe, knocking me down on the driveway, dragging me to the sidewalk? And again, I think of a verse I quote so often: 'he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings, you will find refuge.'4 The next line: 'his faithfulness will be your shield and your rampart.' translation? your protection. Though I was violently knocked to the ground, my head never hit the pavement. It defies any rational explanation. But then, who gets run over and talks about what is rational? Not me, that's for sure. So my left arm is pretty messed up, the nerves causing problems down into that hand. Bruises? Oh sure, I got 'em. But I am alive! Once I knew I was going to be just fine - while I was yet lying in the trauma unit - I thought, I am never going to live this down. I mean, who runs over themself? I anticipated the jokes, 'Grandma got run over by a reindeer...' Yup, I did. My own reindeer. I thought about the times my body has ached all over with fibromyalgia and I have said, 'Shoot, I feel like I've been hit by a truck.' Well, I have! And its okay. Smile. Getting run over has earned me the right to press in and ask you again: ~>do you know God has you in his hand? ~>do you fully trust him - with all of who you are? ~>are you at peace? There is nothing in all of the world like the peace of God. And honestly, there is no reason whatsoever that should keep you from walking in the truth of these three things--that God has you, that he can be trusted with all of who you are, and he alone is the source of peace. So allow me to say a prayer for us~ Prayer: Lord . . .God? Maker of Heaven and Earth: While we know in our minds that nothing is impossible with you, we do not often live it out with our wills. May we trust you and give all of ourselves over to who you are, surrendering control, placing our hand in your hand, and walking in your provision for us. O God, I pray for my friends who are hurting right now--for those who are grieving this Christmas, may they look to you and find comfort. For those who need your healing touch, I boldly ask you to extend your hand of healing. For those who feel far from you, may they reach out for you, and may you be found by them. In your perfect, powerful name "Jesus"~ Amen. I love you each, I truly do Christine Song: All is Well, Carrie Underwood and Michael W. Smith. Also at end of podcast 1 - Luke 1.37, King James Version 2 - Matthew 1.18 3 - Psalm 121.4 p.s. if you want to see the picture of that arm right after, email me - it shows the miraculous thing God did
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Christine DiGiacomo is the executive director of PastorWoman Corp., a ministry whose sole purpose is to spread the love and Word of God locally, and around the world via the internet. Passionate about living the adventure of the Christian life to the fullest, she encourages others to do the same through Bible teaching, and powerful community outreach. 

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